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HomeMulch Buyers Guide

Mulch Buyers Guide

Mulch is a great material to use for enhancing your landscape and surrounding property. With a variety of colors and easy installation, mulch can be used in a variety of areas outside of your home.

Before you purchase mulch for your spring landscaping project, it is essential to understand the benefits of mulch and how to properly install and maintain it for a stunning landscape all season long.

Benefits of Adding Mulch to Your Landscape

In addition to giving your landscape a manicured look and helping to bring Mulch Buyers Guideall the elements together, mulch offers a variety of other benefits to the health of the plants featured in your flower beds. One of the major benefits of mulch is weed prevention. Weeds can overtake your landscape, but by using mulch, you can suppress the weeds and help prevent them from breaking through and blemishing your landscape.

Another benefit of mulch is moisture retention. The mulch helps prevent the sun from heating the soil and causing the water to evaporate, helping it to retain moisture better and maintain stable soil temperature.

What Types of Mulch are Available?

When it comes to bulk mulch, there are two types available, including organic and inorganic. Inorganic mulch includes:

  • Landscaping fabric
  • Stones
  • Rubber
  • Plastic sheeting

Inorganic mulch tends to carry a higher price tag, but since it will not decompose, it can be a more cost-efficient option in the long run.

Organic types of mulch contain materials such as:

  • Dried leaves
  • Wood chips
  • Compost

Organic mulch is made for all-natural materials, so one benefit it offers is that when it decomposes, it introduces nutrients into the soil. Choosing between inorganic and organic mulch depends on the types of flowers and other plants you have in your garden. Generally speaking, if your soil condition a needs improvement and you can change and replenish the mulch, then organic mulch would be your best option.

Tips for Applying Mulch 

Before you begin to apply your mulch, be sure to examine your property and determine which areas of your landscape would benefit from a layer of mulch. Avoid only mulching a small area because it could make the landscape appear inconsistent. It is also essential to remove any old mulch that was left behind from last season to help keep your soil healthy.

You also want to be sure not to leave tree roots uncovered or any bare spots. This can cause the tree to lose valuable moisture and can also lead to erosion of your landscape. Use a 1-3-inch-thick layer of mulch to ensure your landscape is well-protected, without suffocating the soil. Be sure to also leave 1-2 inches of space around the base of your plants and trees. Mulch tends to hold moisture which can rot the plant or tree if it is mounded up on the base.

Also, don’t be afraid to get creative and try different colors to make your flowers stand out or highlight the beautiful tones of your home to increase your home’s curb appeal.

Variety of High-Quality Mulch to Enhance Your Landscape

The Treesdale Landscape Company offers a variety of mulch types to suit the needs of your landscaping project. From dye colored mulch to natural mulch, our supply yard is stocked with what you need. Take advantage of our convenient mulch calculator and online ordering system to get started on your spring landscaping.

For any questions about our mulch selection or our other landscaping services, contact The Treesdale Landscape Company today!

Ted Dixon